defining robust policies for open markets and sustainable energy promoting cost-reflective pricing with social protection creating competitive markets to attract investments improving quality in processes, products and services reducing losses and improving safety of infrastructures diversifying the fuel mix with renewables promoting efficiency in industry, buildings and transport improving the investment climate for the private sector ensuring reliable statistics for better planning
Energy policy | defining robust policies for open markets and sustainable energy
Energy tariffs | promoting cost-reflective pricing with social protection
Energy markets | creating competitive markets to attract investments
Energy standards | improving quality in processes, products and services
Energy security | reducing losses and improving safety of infrastructures
Renewable energy | diversifying the fuel mix with renewables
Energy efficiency | promoting efficiency in industry, buildings and transport
Energy investments | improving the investment climate for the private sector
Energy statistics | ensuring reliable statistics for better planning


Inauguration ceremony of the Sustainable Energy Information Centre in Moldova
26/04/2016 - Chisinau, Moldova

The inauguration ceremony of the Moldova Sustainable Energy Information Centre took place on 15 April 2016 in Chisinau, Moldova with the participation of Mr. Valeriu Triboi, Deputy Minister of Economy of Moldova together with Mr. Alexandre Darr... Read more

Inauguration ceremony of the Sustainable Energy Information Centre in Tbilisi, Georgia
26/04/2016 - Tbilisi, Georgia

The Sustainable Energy Information Centre (SEIC) opened on 22 April 2016, in Tbilisi with the participation of Mr. Ilia Elosvhili, Deputy Minister of Energy, Mr. David Narmania, Tbilisiā€™s Mayor and Mr. Wolfgang Lutz, INOGATE Leader of the Susta... Read more

Why boosting investments in renewable energy is good for Ukraine
22/04/2016 - Kiev, Ukraine

On April 21 the EU-funded programme INOGATE summarized its Energy Policy Talks with the fifth and final meeting in Kyiv. Major players in the energy field discussed the latest key recommendations for policy changes needed to overcome political... Read more

INOGATE events

Map of INOGATE regions


INOGATE sums up 20 years of activity at final high-level conference

14/04/2016 - Brussels, Belgium

Ministers, deputy-ministers and other high-ranking officials from INOGATE Partner Countries (PCs), Directors-General from the European Commission and European representatives of international financial organisations, energy agencies, the private s... Read more

expert facility
status reports